Contacts: (908) 725-0072 Fr. Marcin Zubik C.Ss.R – Parochial Vicar
Deacon Thomas Giaccobe
Mr. Antoni Niecikowski
Mr. Phillip Strollo
Nialetta Makowski |
This committee is responsible for planning the parish's weekly liturgies, major feasts and seasons of the liturgical year. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Deacon Bill Stefany |
Men and women chosen from the parish community and appointed by the Bishop are entrusted with the special responsibility of assisting priests and deacons in distributing Holy Eucharist at Mass. They also bring the Body of Christ to hospitalized and homebound parishioners. Special training is required for this important ministry. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Deacon Bill Stefany Antoni Niecikowski |
Men and women (high school age or older) (deleted who) proclaim the Word of God during Sunday Liturgy and other liturgical celebrations. Volunteers are needed for both English and Polish languages. Candidates need to be good readers and comfortable speaking before a large group. Training is provided. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Laurie Lucas |
Boys and girls (grade 3 and older) are needed to assist in service at Masses, weddings, funerals and other liturgical celebrations. Servers are placed on a schedule to serve Masses throughout the year. Training is provided during regular monthly meetings. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 John Snow Konrad Puzio |
A group of men assist parishioners and guests during religious services in our churches. They greet, seat, collect the offering, distribute liturgical programs and parish bulletins as well as assure parishioners' safety during medical emergencies. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Magdalena Daus Elżbieta Niedbała |
Sacristans maintain the altar and sacristy and prepare for liturgies by arranging the bread, wine and sacred vessels. Training is provided. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Dolores Serra Dolores Finlan Elżbieta Niedbała |
This group of parishioners plans and decorates our worship sites for Christmas, Easter, sacramental ceremonies and other liturgical celebrations.
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Sarina Urban Charlotte Snow |
Every first Sunday of the month in the Sacred Heart worship site at 10:00AM children from the parish are invited to celebrate and participate in a special way in the Mass. Participation in children liturgy strengthens one's faith in God, provides opportunities to gather with other children and their families. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 Fr. Marcin Zubik Lucy Mazareski |
The Adult English Choir leads the assembly in sung prayer, which adds beauty and solemnity to our worship. The Choir sings at the 10:00AM Mass on Sunday at the Sacred Heart worship site with the exception of the first Sunday of every month when the monthly Children's Liturgy is celebrated. On those weekends, the choir sings at the Saturday 6:0PM Mass. The Adult Choir provides music for all special and festive celebrations in the church. Rehearsals are held on Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m. in the Sacred Heart worship site, except during the summer months. Choir members are asked to be present at liturgies and rehearsals as faithfully as possible. The Christ the Redeemer music ministry continually seeks to recruit individuals who wish to share their faith and gifts through music.
The Children's Choir leads the music worship to enhance the prayer of the assembly for the Children's Mass at 10:00AM on the first Sunday of the month at the Sacred Heart worship site and the third Sunday of the month at Christ the King worship site at 10:30AM. The group promotes early participation in liturgy for all children, e.g. Children's Liturgy, and on such special occasions during the year as First Penance and First Holy Communion. Rehearsals are held on Saturday from 4:00 to 5:00 at the Sacred Heart worship site except during summer months. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Betty Cowen Josephine Pschar |
Lazarus ministers assist those mourning the loss of a loved one by attending the viewing and through prayerful participation at the Funeral Liturgies held in our parish. They assist in the service of funeral Masses. Duties include proclaiming the Word of God and assisting the priest. All adults are welcome as well as former altar servers or lectors. Lazarus ministers try to follow up with a card and a phone call. Compassionate parishioners are needed as volunteers. Training is provided. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 O. Wojciech Kusek Charlotte Snow Mary Lou Cebula Bogdan Nowak |
The Evangelization Committee’s goal is to bring to all Catholics, at every level, an enthusiasm for their faith in Jesus, and freely sharing it with others. This committee is responsible for planning and executing ways to convey that message of Gospel to everyone at Christ the Redeemer Parish. The committee seeks to empower all parishioners to understand their role in evangelization and to educate them on this responsibility. |
School Building Manager: Karen Koloski
908-231-1330 |
Contact: (908) 725-0072 Charlotte Snow |
A group of Catechist teachers assist the Director of the Religious Education Program for children (grades 1-8). The group helps the children grow in the practice of their faith and in the development of their prayer life by explaining what the Church believes and teaches. In addition, they prepare them for the reception of the Sacraments. Catechists and aides are always welcome. Formation and support is provided. |
Contact: (908) 725-0072
Deacon Bill Stefany |
RCIA provides an atmosphere of prayer, support and sharing on the journey towards initiation for those seeking membership in the Catholic Church, and for those seeking full communion with the Catholic Church. This group is dedicated to executing the RCIA process for the parish family work in teaching/sharing their Catholic faith with adult individuals who are interested in becoming members of the Catholic Community. Anyone wishing more information on coming into the Catholic faith or completing the Sacraments of Communion and/or Confirmation are encouraged to attend. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Deacon Bill Stefany Deacon Tom Giacobbe |
Sacramental Preparation is a program to prepare both parents and godparents of infants or children to be baptized and to learn more about baptism or prepare themselves to receive the sacrament. The purpose of the marriage preparation process is to help a couple to look carefully at married life, as well as to anticipate any difficulties that they may experience, so that their marriage may be one of mutual love and respect. |
Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Anthony Scarpantonio contacts:(917) 494-8141 |
The Bible Study program provides instruction and knowledge of the Bible and related studies to help parishioners become intellectually and practically grounded in the Christian faith. It also provides an environment in which the parishioner’s faith can be a personal experience to be lived and shared. The program is designed to offer parishioner’s a course of study that will provide them a strong Biblical foundation on which to build a successful life. The English speaking group meets every Thursday at 7:00PM at St. John Numen’s Center. The Polish speaking group meets on Fridays at 8:00PM in the Sacred Heart Church Auditorium. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Mary Ellen Day |
Children from grades 1-6 are welcome to participate in the annual week-long Summer Camp, which is usually held in the middle of July. Themes for the yearly camp are based on various doctrines of the Catholic Faith. Adult parishioners act as camp counselors and are assisted by 7th and 8th grade students, who act as senior counselors and complete the core staff. Special training and certification for all staff members are required. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Fr. Wojciech Kusek CSsR |
This group is made up of interested parishioners who are involved in promoting awareness of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Through prayer, this committee will foster an atmosphere that is encouraging and supportive of vocations. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Fr. Stan Slaby CSsR Fr. Wojciech Kusek CSsR Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR |
Spiritual Direction, a powerful Catholic tradition, is offered in the parish for anyone desiring to deepen his/her relationship with God through the sharing of religious experiences with a Spiritual Director. Appointments are on an individual basis. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Charlotte Snow Henry Brandt |
This group is comprised of men and women who foster an ardent devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and request her patronage by recitation of the Holy Rosary. They also sponsor money-raising events that provide the funds needed for the up-keep of the Church Sanctuary.
Contact: (908) 725-0072
Steve Szabo |
The Knights of Columbus was formed to render aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works. All the good works they do are determined or inspired by four core principles: charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. |
Contact: (908) 725-0072 John Tardy |
The Confraternity of the Most Holy Names of God and Jesus (Holy Name Society) promotes reverence for the Sacred Names of God and Jesus Christ, obedience and loyalty to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and the personal sanctification and holiness of its members. The apostolate of the society is to assist in parish ministries by performing the Corporal Works of Mercy: to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, give drink to the thirsty, shelter to the homeless, tend the sick, visit those in prison, and bury the dead; as well as the Spiritual Works of Mercy: to convert sinners, instruct the ignorant, counsel the wayward, comfort the sorrowing, bear adversity patiently, forgive offenses, and pray for the living and the dead. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 Fr. Marcin Zubik Fr. Wojciech Kusek |
Members of the homebound and sick ministry make an effort to stay connected with those parishioners who are not able to join us at Mass due to illness or physical/mental incapacities. Hospital or home visits, phone calls and our card ministry combine together to make sure our homebound members know they are not forgotten. The process usually works like this: A homebound person (or one of their family members) calls in to the parish office requesting that someone from the parish come to their home to minister the sacrament. The pastor will then ask someone to minister to that person. Visits are arranged on a mutually agreeable time between the homebound individual and the homebound minister. On every first Friday of the month the associate priest visits all sick and homebound parishioners. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 Fr. Wojciech Kusek CSsR Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR, Magdalena Daus |
These men and women of the parish provide leadership in all aspects of the Pro-Life Agenda of our Church. The members of the Pro-Life Ministry are dedicated to the defense and protection of all human life from conception to natural death. This group also coordinates all Pro-Life activities of the parish and promotes education in Pro-Life issues and concerns. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 Rev. Stanislaw Slaby CSsR Fr. Wojciech Kusek CSsR Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR |
Every Lent and Advent we offer four days of prayer and reflection to all who wish to attend. Retreat days normally include four spiritual talks, time for silent prayer, the opportunity to go to Confession, and Eucharist. Advent Retreats in English usually begins with the first Sunday of Advent in Polish or the third Sunday of Advent. Lenten Retreats in English typically begins on the third Sunday of Lent and Polish Retreats on the Fifth Sunday of Lent. A retreat refreshes and revitalizes, gives the opportunity for more time spent in prayer and contemplation, and rekindles and deepens one’s relationship with God. The purpose of a spiritual retreat, as an addition to daily spiritual activities, is to temporarily leave behind the usual distractions we all face and for the on-going conversion of heart that is critical to deepening faith. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Fr. Stanisław Słaby CSsR Fr. Wojciech Kusek CSsR Fr. Marcin Zubik |
House blessing is an ancient tradition. It is usually performed by a parish priest who sprinkles holy water as he walks through every room of the house, accompanied by the occupants of the house, while praying for the occupants.
Why do priests visit our homes at Christmas time?
- To bless them in the name of Christ and pray for your families.
- To meet with you in your homes and talk about your joys and concerns.
How do we prepare for the home blessing?
- On a clean table in the living room place a cross, candles (or a candle), a Bible and a small bowl or a plate of holy water (available in the vestibules of our churches).
- If there are any children who attend our CCD Program, have them prepare their religious education textbooks (the First Communion children also prepare their Progress Books).
- With a chalk, the priest writes a sign C+M+B 2014 on the main door (Three Kings: Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar or „Christus mansionem benedicat” – Christ blesses this home).
- All present in the house take part in the event, not only one family member.
- If no one is at home, the priest will leave a parish calendar in your mailbox. You may call the parish office and make arrangements to have the priest return. Out of town parishioners must make an appointment. These visits will take place in the second half of January.
Contact: (908) 725-0072
Barbara Panfile |
The group meets once a month to offer thanksgiving, praise and worship to God. Once a year, the group conducts the healing Mass at the Christ the King Church worship site. All are welcome. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Deacon Billl Stefany Celeste Onka Maryanne Urbaniak
This group of parishioners is responsible for planning and executing social and fund raising events for our parish family. Volunteers are always needed in areas such as: ticket sales, advertising, decorating, set-up, clean-up, entertainment and food. Ideas for new events to expand this ministry are always welcome. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 Lisa Cimpko Carol Cigler |
This group of dedicated parishioners promote the collection and delivery of donated non-perishable grocery items to the needy of the community. Caritas is dedicated to help those affected by floods, by coordinating efforts of our own, diocesan and neighboring parishes "before-during-after" floods. Parishioners can help also to make and deliver Thanksgiving food baskets for needy families in our community. Each Christmas, we need volunteers to write out Giving Tree ornaments that describe a gift for a needy person. When the gifts are returned, volunteers sort and deliver them. Parishioners are encouraged to donate to the charities of the Giving Tree. |
Contacts: (908)725-0072
Ed Komoroski Maribeth Thomaszfski
The Sacred Heart Summer Festival is an annual fund-raising, community-building event that began in 1969. Countless numbers of parishioners working together and giving their time and talent provide rides, games, delicious Polish food and lots of fun during the summer festival. The festival is held typically on the last week of July of each year. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. |
Contacts: (908)725-0072 Chris de Wet Maribeth Thomaszfski |
The Oktoberfest is an annual fund-raising, community-building event, held on the third weekend of September of each year. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 Ed Komoroski Maribeth Thomaszfski |
Members of the Christ the Redeemer Altar Rosary Society and Knights of Columbus work together with other parishioners to serve a monthly all-you-can-eat breakfast every first Sunday of the month from 7:30 to 11:30 AM in the auditorium of Sacred Heart Church. New volunteers are always welcomed. |
Contact: (908) 725-0072 Maryann Urbaniak |
The Parish Picnic is held each year on the fourth Sunday of June (Sunday after Father’s Day). Volunteers are needed to organize and prepare this important parish event. |
Contact: (908)725-0072 Maribeth Thomaszfski |
A group of parishioners comprised mainly from the members of the ARS that meets on Tuesday to prepare pierogi for the Summer Festival, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Ash Wednesday Pierogi Supper, and Easter. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. Morning sessions start from 9:00AM and evening sessions begin from 600PM. All are welcome. |
Contacts: (908)725-0072 Dolores Finlan Maribeth Thomaszfski |
Parish hospitality is a monthly, community-building event. After each Mass, parishioners gather in the parish auditorium to enjoy fellowship, coffee and cookies. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. |
Contacts: (908)725-0072 Celeste Onka Robert Zolandz
The Catholic Church depends greatly on your generosity. Sunday Collections are counted by a group of parishioners and reported on a weekly basis in the parish bulletin. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. |
Contact: (908)725-0072 Slawomir Pobierzyn |
The Guitar Class meets every Monday in Sacred Heart Parish auditorium at 3:00pm. The size of the class depends on the age and advancement in playing the guitar. All are welcomed. |
Contact: (908)725-0072 Fr. Wojciech Kusek CSsR |
The Soccer team promotes fellowship and a healthy way of life. The group meets three times a week on Thursday at 9:00pm (senior group 40+) on Friday at 8:00pm (youth group 20+) and on Sunday at 2:00 (family, children and parents) at the CTK School Gym (during autumn) and Manville High School (during summer). All are welcomed. |
Contact: (908)725-0072 Kathy Tartaglione |
This group meets once a month on the third Sunday of the month at Christ the King worship site hall. Members of the parish work together and give their time and talent providing delicious food and lots of fun during the meetings. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. |
Contact: (908)725-0072 Mary Carol Niezgoda |
The group meets in their homes to make warm clothes for the less fortunate. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. |
Fr. Wojciech Kusek C.Ss.R – Parochial Vicar
Mr. Jan Popławski – Chairman
Mr. Henry Brandt
Mrs. Anna Pura
Mrs. Elżbieta Żala |
This committee plans and coordinates the polish ministry in order to preserve and pass the rich tradition of faith to the next generation. |
Contact: (908) 725-0072 Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Henry Brandt |
Men and women chosen from the parish community and appointed by the Bishop are entrusted with the special responsibility of assisting priests and deacons in distributing Holy Eucharist at Mass in Polish. They also bring the Body of Christ to hospitalized and homebound parishioners. Special training is required for this important ministry. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Antoni Niecikowski |
Men and women (high school age or older) who proclaim the Word of God during Sunday Liturgy in Polish and other liturgical celebrations. Volunteers are needed for both English and Polish languages. Candidates need to be good readers and comfortable speaking before a large group. Training is provided. |
Contact: (908) 725-0072 Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR |
Boys (grades 3 and older) are needed to assist in service at Masses, weddings, funerals and other liturgical celebrations in Polish. Servers are placed on a schedule to serve Masses throughout the year. Training is provided during regular monthly meetings. |
Contacts:(908) 725-0072 Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Konrad Puzio |
This group of men assists parishioners and guests during religious services in Polish in our church. They greet, seat, collect the offering, distribute liturgical programs and parish bulletins as well as assure parishioners' safety during medical emergencies. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Bogdan Król |
Members of the Polish Children Choir lead the music worship to enhance the prayer of the assembly during Polish worship services. Group promotes participation in liturgy for young adults. Rehearsals are held on Monday evenings. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Stanley Lesniewski Antoni Niecikowski |
This is a group of adults and children who promote the Polish heritage, culture, language and traditions. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072
Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Henryk Brandt |
This group is comprised of Polish speaking men and women who foster an ardent devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and request her patronage by recitation of the Holy Rosary. The Blessed Virgin Mary Society also takes care of the Our Lady of Czestochowa Altar and helps with planning of Polish Services. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 Jan Poplawski Ula Chorzępa |
A group of parishioners who are responsible for planning and executing the social event called the Parish Fall Dance for our Parish Family. Volunteers are always needed in areas such as: ticket sales, advertising, decorating, set-up, clean up, entertainment and food. Ideas for new events to expand this ministry are always welcome. |
Contacts: (908) 725-0072 Fr. Marcin Zubik CSsR Ula Chorzepa
Jan Poplawski |
A group of parishioners are responsible for planning a Radio Maryja Rally for its listeners and for our parish family. Volunteers are always needed in areas such as: ticket sales, advertising, decorating, set-up, clean up, entertainment and food. Ideas for new events to expand this ministry are always welcome. |
Contact: (908) 725-0072 Louise Niecikowski |
This group works to oversee the educational needs of and teach practical English to adult Poles to assist in their daily work and life in America. |
Contact: (732) 968-7984 Lucyna Lis |
The main objective of our school is didactic work in the realm of Polish language, history and geography. Our school is a member of, and adheres to the standardized syllabus set forth by, Polish Supplementary School Council of America, Inc. We administer to children from preschool to high school, all of whom have some familiarity with the Polish language. Passing the Polish Regents Exams gives students 3 language credits in most American high schools and – depending on school requirements – allows students to obtain college credits. |