Christ The Redeemer - Roman Catholic Church, 98 South 2nd Ave., P.O. Box 924, Manville, NJ 08835 Phone: 908-725-0072
Sacred Heart Cemetery
1096 Millstone River Rd.
Hillsborough Township, NJ

In 1925, Sacred Heart Parish purchased 40 acres of property on the outskirts of Manville for a parish cemetery. It was blessed by Bishop Walsh on October 17, 1927. The cemetery is located on Millstone River Road in Hillsborough. As the population of Manville increased, an additional 22 acres of land was puchased for cemetery use. A final purchase of land was made increasing the total to 74.7 acres.

Sacred Heart Cemetary is not only a burial place but also is a place conducive to prayer and meditation with religious statues at each circle. It was envisioned these statues would inspire hope of the resurrection to all who viewed it. A beautiful, peaceful grotto was built from the stone blocks salvaged from the demolition of the orginal Sacred Heart Church building.

A caring staff provides well-maintined grounds designed to meet the needs of each family and to commemorate the lives of those buried there. Memorial counselors also offer information on purchasing cemetery plots for your pre-planning needs.

The right to purchase burial easements at Sacred Heart Cemetery is limited to parishioners of Christ the Redeemer Parish, along with parishioners of the other Catholic churches in town, i.e., St. Mary Byzantine and St. Michael Ukrainian Churches.

Catholic cemeteries and churches are places consecrated and set apart as the "sacred space" which the Church designates and reserves in this world exclusively for the worship of God and the celebration of His mysteries. They reflect the deep faith of Catholic Christians in the intimate connection between the death of the believer and the death of the Lord, support our conviction that the bodies of the baptized have been the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, and are an expression of the ministry of the Church to the bereaved among us and to the deceased themselves who continue to be members of the church, suffering and triumphant.

The Catholic cemetery seeks to assist people in accepting the reality of death in a context of faith in the promise of eternal life. Our facilities and services include a place for burial, an environment to meet the needs of the liturgy of burial, an atmosphere to encourage prayer for the dead and in which love is remembered, hope is rekindled, and faith is awakened and strengthened.

We also seek to minister to the poor, who must be treated with dignity in life as well as in death. We minister to the living by helping them to anticipate their needs when the time will come for them to face the reality of death through the arrangement of burial space for themselves at a moment when they can acknowledge and address the issues surrounding their own mortality in an atmosphere of peaceful reflection. We see this aspect of our ministry in particular as catechesis and evangelization. In the valuable recordkeeping which we do, we also serve as an archives of the community of Faith in this place and time.

We invite everyone to understand this cemetery as a statement of our Catholic Faith and as an expression of our commitment to prayer and service.


Almighty God, our creator and redeemer, by your power, Christ conquered death, rose to new life and returned to you in glory. May our brothers and sisters whose bodies rest here in expectation of a like resurrection share his victory and enjoy the vision of your glory forever. Forgive each of them, and all who die in Christ, and make them one with him forever in the joy of your presence. We ask this through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.


CTK 4:30 pm English
SH 6:00 pm English
SH 7:00 am Polish
CTK 8:30 am English
SH 8:30 am English
SH 10:00 am English
CTK 10:30 am English
SH 11:30 am Polish
SH 6:00 pm English
CTK 7:00 am English
SH 11:00 am English
CTK 6:00 pm English
SH 7:00 pm Polish
CTK 7:00 am M - F English
SH 8:00 am M,T,Th,S Polish
SH 11:00 am M,T,Th,S English
SH 7:00 pm W,F Polish
SH 11:00 am Tuesday English
SH 7:00 pm Wednesday Polish
SH 6:30-7:00pm Wednesday & Friday
SH 11:30-12:30pm Saturday
4:45-5:45 pm  Saturday
CTK 3:30-4:15 pm Saturday

*SH Sacred Heart Church
98 South 2nd Ave.
Manville, NJ
*CTK Christ the King Church
211 Louis Street
Manville, NJ 08835




Young People. 
That young people may respond generously to their vocations and seriously consider offering themselves to God in the priesthood or consecrated life.


HAPPY EASTER dear Friends!
With our celebration of Easter, we proclaim “Christ is risen,” and call each other and the world to renew our hope. That call to hope is actually a very daring invitation. Who are we, then, to proclaim hope? How do we dare to say that there is a reason for hope? Our response is simple, and our conviction is firm. We have come to know Jesus, the Risen Christ. We have come to know Jesus in his word and in his sacraments. We have known him in each other, in the faces of those whom we love and in the faces of the poor and marginalized. Our knowledge of him has brought us before his cross on which he destroyed sin and death. Our knowledge of him has brought us to stand before him as the Risen One who breathes the new life of the Spirit into those who believe in him.
We dare to hope, because the eternal Word of God dared to take our flesh and passed through death to new and glorious life. He opened the way for us to embrace eternal life. And so we dare to hope and, even more, dare to share that hope with a wounded struggling world.
Let us continue to grow in love for the Lord every day and pray for one another as we together journey to an ever deeper faith and reawaken faith in those whose faith is in slumber.  May our faith and confidence in the Risen Christ will bless this world with the renewed hope that it desperately needs.
In the Risen Lord Jesus,

Our God is a God of justice, but also a God of mercy. Through the blood of Jesus, God's mercy is available to us now. It is up to us to decide to accept it. We don't want to be camping out in "Sin Forest" when judgment time comes.

© 2025 - Christ The Redeemer Parish
last updated: 01.25.2017